Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Contract law coursework help

Contract law coursework help

contract law coursework help

Business Law Case Studies Examples. Business laws broadly govern the areas of commercial transactions, sales, mortgages, contracts, bankruptcies, etc. Business law case studies involve a dispute between two legal entities regarding such blogger.com students of law schools are given such situations of dispute in order to come up with possible legal solutions This essay will give you an overview of contract law, contract law cases and how contract law is used today. What is Contract Law? The law of contract is a set of rules governing the relationship, content and validity of an agreement between two or more persons (individuals, companies or other institution) regarding the sale of goods, provision of services or exchange of interests or ownership Sep 16,  · Offers of full-time employment with our Honors Program may be made to summer law students at the conclusion of the program. General Legal Services, Public Contract and Technology Law Branch (PCTL) has one (1) paid Summer Legal Intern position for the Summer of , and will be filled in the following location: Washington, DC

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Securing Higher Grades Costing Your Pocket? Book Your Assignment at The Lowest Price Now! Task: Richard has a specialist car dealership. He buys old cars, refurbishes them and then sells them. He also hires out cars.

Richard is restoring an old jeep. It requires a special type of shock-absorber to enable it to travel over rough ground. Richard phones Shocks Are Us. It turns out that when Emma gave Richard the information over the phone, she had been looking at the wrong page of the brochure. Had she looked at the correct page, she would have seen that the D is not suitable for off-road driving. Richard is pleased with this, and uses the money he would have had to spend on the rent increase to buy new tools.

Tom is a collector of vintage cars. When Richard goes on holiday, Martin looks after his car lot. Martin is very pleased and readily agrees, but when he comes to pick up the car, Richard says that he has hired it out to a customer.

Martin says that Richard has breached their agreement. Advise Richard of his legal position in relation to each of these four scenarios. You should assume that all contract law coursework help given would be provable if the matters came to court.

You should also assume that when any of the people mentioned conduct business, they do so as sole traders, not through corporations. However, when he went for a test drive the shock absorber failed and the car crashed.

Now, the question is who is liable to bear the loss, contract law coursework help. Moreover another issue is whether Richard is liable to get any compensation or not. However Richard confesses in June that he would not be able to pay the increment due to obscurities in his business, contract law coursework help, George allowed him the wave off.

However, in JuneGeorge rang up and demanded extra from Richard. He disagreed to confirm to any verbal contracts and stated that the specifications of the lease paper would hold. This may contract law coursework help considered a breach of contract. However when Tom confesses that he is unable to pay the amount, Richard agrees to accept his previous offer.

However, at that time Tom does not accept the car and refuses to pay any amount, contract law coursework help. However, when martin goes to pick up the car, Richard says that it has gone on hire.

Martin considers this a breach of contract 1. Laws As per the contracts Act section 18A and the Sale OF Goods Act section 14 word of mouth may be considered as a contract. Breach of the contract is equally punishable like breach of written contract. As per the oral modification clause of the Word of mouth Law, Richard is liable to receive the compensation amount if he is able to substantiate his loss amount via written documents 2.

Again, in the second case a reference from the Thomas KELLOGG v. Oren was forced to pay the alleged amount in that case. However, in case if Richard can produce any witness of the verbal assurance of George, the payable amount for him may lessen 3. Thirdly the example of the Uber v Aslam case may be cited.

The contract law coursework help of the Uber drivers did not stand in front of the employment tribunal. As per this case, the issue of not accepting the pre-booked product may be considered.

The issue is that Tom did not sign any purchase clause with Richard. As per the Product liability and safety law it is essential to seal a contract with a buyer at the confirmation of the purchase.

In order to shed light upon the final case the Bolton v Mahadeva [] case may be considered. The appellant, in this case, received the contracted value minus the cost of contract law coursework help. Similarly, in this case, Martin may also appeal that Richard has not kept his words. However, considering the contract law coursework help of the case, the judge may ask the accused and the appellants to solve the dispute among them.

Application In the first case the Contracts Law and the Sale of Goods act may be used. As per the section 3 of the Contracts lawthe promissory may save her in this case. However, according to the Section 2 of the Contract Lawthe third party that is Richard may apply that the liability of this loss lies entirely with the manager Emma, contract law coursework help.

The section 5 and the section 8 of the law may also be applicable, contract law coursework help. In that case the manager has higher chances of winning this case 6. In the second case, as per the Article 3A of the Landlord and Tenant actRichard should have given a written notice at least to the house owner stating his financial problem, contract law coursework help.

Since no evidence can be produced in favour contract law coursework help the verbal rent waving, the decision of the court is likely to go in the favour of the landowner 7. In this situation, the liability of bringing the car at the doorstep of Tom will completely rest with Richard. Finally, in the case of Martin, the verbal offer may also be accepted as a kind of Contract for consumer credit by the judge. In case if Martin appeals to the court, the verbal contract of Richard with Martin may gain ground.

However, since this is s petty case, the court may suggest the mitigation of the case by mutual contract 9. Conclusion This project highlights four issues which come under various law acts under the jurisdictions of the British court. As such, the law acts that are applicable to this case have been highlighted and verdicts of other similar court cases have been analysed also. Under this circumstance, the primary laws that have been applicable are the English Contracts Law, the Sale of Goods Law and the Consumer Protection laws.

The possible scenario if these issues were converted to court cases has been discussed in detail. Reference List [1]'Contract Disputes - John Antell - Barrister' Johnantell. uk, accessed 3 December org, accessed 14 November Pdf uk, accessed 9 November UK' Gov. uk, accessed 30 November uk, accessed 17 December GET HELP.

Main Menu. Free sample Contract law case study problem questions and answers. Contract Law Case Study Problem Questions and Answers Question Task: Richard has a specialist car dealership.

Answer A. Pdf [4]'Findlaw's Supreme Court Of Vermont Case And Opinions. uk, accessed 9 November [6]'Bolton V Mahadeva' E-lawresources. uk, accessed 9 November [7] 'Private Renting - GOV. uk, contract law coursework help, accessed 30 November [8]'Electronic Law Journals - JILT 2 - Desai Et Al' Warwick.

uk, accessed 17 December 9Brown S Brown, 'Book-Smart, Not Street-Smart: Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts And The Social Workings Of Law' Blockchain Ascending, accessed 14 October Tags: contract law business law critical analysis case study.

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Contract Law: Promissory Estoppel (Drennan v. Star Paving Co.) [LEAP Preview]

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contract law coursework help

This essay will give you an overview of contract law, contract law cases and how contract law is used today. What is Contract Law? The law of contract is a set of rules governing the relationship, content and validity of an agreement between two or more persons (individuals, companies or other institution) regarding the sale of goods, provision of services or exchange of interests or ownership 1 day ago · Contract Law Essays. The essays below were written by students to help you with your own studies. If you are looking for help with your essay then we offer a comprehensive writing service provided by fully qualified academics in your field of study A common query of students is Can anyone do my coursework, and this is what they look for on the Internet. If you are too looking for can someone do my coursework for me only, blogger.com can save you from all your blogger.com can save your time, get rid of this coursework burden and in return get the best grades in your class

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